Macintosh Sisters - Downloads
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Macintosh Sisters

Downloads - E








This way popular and powerful email client is packed to the hilt in the features department. This full free version includes automatic spell checking, inline graphic support, a superior search feature, drag and drop attachments, voice message capability, and more! It also gives you the ability to filter, redirect, and forward email and features support for LDAP, support for multiple email accounts, multiple mailboxes, automatic configuration, the ability to view and compose HTML messages, support for graphics within messages, and more. Requires a PPC running Mac OS 7.1.2 or later.

Eternity Inn
Little Fingers
PO Box 14
Redding, CT 06896


Requires: System 7 or later, Min. 8 MB free RAM, Min.12" color monitor
Source: EternityInn.sit.hqx

Description: It's easy to check in, but you can't check out until you've outwitted the innkeeper by solving the puzzles in your room to find the hidden exit! This is a challenging game we've created for puzzle-lovers ages 12 to 112.

As with all the LittleFingers programs, the graphics and puzzles are excellent. The skeletons have been reported to stick once in a while on certain macs. If you run into trouble, the answer to that puzzle so the skeletons won't stick 'Mirror Must Be' and then the 'cracked' graphic.

Download from: - US: - UK: - and - UK:

NiceBoy Software


Stop fighting for that one printer! This useful software will allow you to share your Epson printer with a bunch of Macs without any additional network adapter cards. It works by using the EpsonShare Server and EpsonShare Client software on any number of Macs with network capabilities. Any Mac can be used as the server, which can host an infinite number of clients. 68k and PPC compatible running Mac OS 8.0 or later. Requires an Epson printer (see documentation for compatibility, though it's compatible with the majority of their line).


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